Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back to the Future

"Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair..." -Susan Polis Shutz

Two screaming newborns appear on our TV screen with a younger version of my Dad speaking to his wife, "Molly, we want to make sure we get this on film so that when Katie and Patrick are older they can see what they put their parents through." Twenty six years later, I find myself sitting next to those two "newborns" watching these home videos. I don't think my Dad believed this time would ever come, and now those two newborns are older than my Dad was when that video was taken. Home videos always leave me with an ery feeling that the present is already the past and time kicked you right into the future without you even noticing.
We talk about growing up,being done with school, being sucessful in the real world, and getting married...but we never expect it ever really to happen...UNTIL IT DOES. Time has just offially kicked the Mech family into the future, my sister is a successful business woman at the largest premium drinks company in the world, tomorrow my other sister will be purchasing a home, two of my siblings will be married by the end of next year, and in a few months the last (on-site) Spartan will be moving to the windy city. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
I wouldn't rewind for one moment, I love where we all are and can't wait to see where we all go. I pray that we hold on tight to one another during the storms, share with one another what flowers have bloomed in our life's garden, keep the tradition of a large,crazy family, take time to listen to eachother's stories, and always know that no matter where you are home is just a flight away, and if you can't find your way back someone will be happy to grab you by the back of the neck and show you the way.

I am going to leave you with a few quotes from a book Sheila and I picked up today.

"Laundry will wait very patiently."

"You don't have to be afraid of living alone."

"Your hair matters far, far less than you think."

"Work should not be work. You should love your job."

"Flex that muscle in your heart."


  1. Loving now, tenderly remembering the past and joyfully looking forward to the future. I love you Jane. Thanks for writing down your sweet thoughts. Love, Mom

  2. janey -
    i LOVE it!! you are an amazing writer! i'm excited about everything the mech family has coming this year! i can't wait to be able to share this city with you and to be standing up next to you at TWO weddings!

  3. Jane, I'm so glad you decided to post again. I follow your blog along with a few others and noticed we hadn't heard from you lately. So, when does your autobiography come out? It'll be a best seller for sure!
